Registration Info & Fee

Acknowledgement of Registration
Your registration will be acknowledged electronically by an email that will contain your registration report, the detail of all the services you have booked and the social program.

Delegate Registration Fees include
- Admission to the Official Opening Ceremony and Welcome Receptions;
- Admission to all Sessions;
- Morning and afternoon coffee-breaks;
- Conference folders.

Cancellation and Refund of Registration Fee
Requests for cancellations must be sent by fax and must contain the international reference to the bank account to which a possible refund may be remitted.
Cancellations received until May 31st, 2020 will be refunded, less 10%.
Cancellations received from June 1st, 2020 are not entitled to any refund.
All refund claims must be sent after the end of the Conference.
Invoices for registration to the Conference will be given by the Conference Secreteriat at the registration desk.

21% VAT Included

Online Until

Online After

Welcome Desk


€ 250,00

€ 300,00

€ 350,00

Non Members

€ 300,00

€ 350,00

€ 400,00


€ 150,00

€ 200,00

€ 250,00